Wahl Classroom

Cattle Fitting with Guide Combs

Written by Wahl Classroom | Dec 16, 2019 2:45:01 PM

In this video, originally recorded live at the 2019 National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, Wahl Animal E.L.I.T.E. Educator, Tracy Coffland, discusses how using guide combs can make cattle fitting even easier!

Video transcript:

One of my favorite tools that Wahl has that makes this job easy and fun and a lot less stressful is these guards. Huge fan of these. Just clipped this neck out. We can easily blend down from the face to the shoulder. I didn't freehand clip any of that! I did 

I just pick and choose between the lengths - they go from 1/8" to 1". I think I used four or five different ones just to find the right combination so that way we can keep from getting any lines and make it look natural and seemless. You don't see any difference in length of hair. It looks like it completely blends. They fit on the clippers really nice. They're spring loaded and hook behind a #10 or #30 blade. They stay on real good. They don't come off. 

Really efficient. Real easy to use. I like them big time. If you don't have a set of these I think you should dang sure look into it because they make this job a whole lot easier.